As far as badges of honor go, having Venezuelan strongman Hugo Chavez attack you by name is a pretty good one. Several years ago, he accused me of being a spy for the CIA out to destroy him and his government. Talk about thin skin. You tell the truth about a freedom-oppressing, anti-Semitic thug who allies himself with numerous terrorist organizations while running his once-vibrant nation into the ground and his fragile mind goes into fantasy mode. Then again, the Chavez attack against the truth is also one of the "Rules for Radicals" taught by the late Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky - as in the same Neo-Marxist who serves as a role model for President Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Leaving that dangerous fact aside for the moment, it's also true that Mr. Chavez is beloved by much of the American left. Actors and mental giants Sean Penn, Danny Glover and Harry Belafonte all like to literally hug the dictator (oops, Sean Penn has warned conservatives not ...
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